If you are an agile practitioner who has decided to become a PMI Agile Certified, you will need to select the best preparation resources to ace this certification exam.
Several PMI-ACP online courses providers claim to offer the best PMI ACP training online. However, it is critical to make the correct decision and select the best PMI-ACP exam prep course.
So, to make this difficult task easier for you, we decided to enlist the best PMI ACP online training providers. You can investigate the reasons for selecting a specific one.
Best PMI-ACP Online Training Providers
As a working professional, it may be difficult to attend regular and traditional classroom training, so aspiring Agile practitioners opt for online training to prepare for the PMI-ACP exam. They can prepare for the PMI ACP exam online whenever they have time.
If you are in the same situation, this list of top PMI ACP online training providers will assist you in obtaining the best acp online courses.
Let’s Look At the Top Five PMI ACP Online Training Providers:
- Eduhubspot
- PrepCast
- Whizlabs
- Simplilearn
- Grey Campus
As one of the top PMI ACP online courses, Eduhubspot provides the best-in-industry online training course that is up to date with the latest changes in the PMI-ACP exam. With Eduhubspot you can experience the best online training in an easy language. The boot camps and mentorship program helps candidates to understand the tricky agile methodology easily.
What Are the Advantages of Taking Eduhubspot’s Online Training?
Contact Hours are included (PDUs)
One of the requirements for the PMI-ACP certification exam is 21 contact hours, which Eduhubspot’s online training fulfills. You do not need to travel anywhere to obtain the contact hours.
Exam Simulator Is Included
When you purchase PMI ACP training from Eduhubspot, you not only get the training videos, but you also get 600 Scenario Based Practice Questions and 180 Situational PMI-ACP Practice Questions. With these questions, you can assess your level of preparation.
Personalized Mentorship
Every student needs a personal mentorship where they can ask the questions and discuss their queries one on one with the mentor. With Eduhubspot students can have these sessions and they can get answers to all the questions which they want to clear.
PMI-ACP Application Support
With Eduhubspot you will get question bank query support, PMI-ACP application filling support, technology support, all these things are very crucial for a candidate at every step of the training. Eduhubspot is the most reliable website in terms of support.
Agile PrepCast
When it comes to project management certification preparation, PM Prepcast (project management prep cast) needs no introduction.
Agile PrepCast is a component of prep that is solely dedicated to PMI-ACP exam preparation. Agile PrepCast provides best-in-industry training for the PMI ACP exam.
What is the Advantage of Agile PrepCast PMI ACP Online Training?
Videos for Training
Agile is exam-focused. PrepCast’s PMI ACP online training course includes 16 training modules that cover all 7 exam domains. So, after watching all of the training videos, you will have sufficient knowledge of all domains.
Contact Hours are included (PDUs)
To take the PMI-ACP exam, one must obtain 21 contact hours. This PMI ACP training course includes these 21 PDUs certificates, so you won’t need to go anywhere else to get your contact hours.
Available at a Reasonable Cost
Agile PrepCast offers a basic PMI ACP training course for $229. Though it is not inexpensive, exam candidates can afford to take this course.
Customer and Expert Assistance
Because Agile PrepCast offers online, recorded videos, you can expect immediate customer and expert support for problem resolution. This is exactly what Agile PrepCast excels at.
Guaranteed Money-Back
The Agile PrepCast training course includes a 90-day money-back guarantee, and the exact refund procedure is available on the refund policy page to determine your eligibility.
Not to mention, Whizlabs is a pioneer in the field of online certification training. It offers online training and practice tests for a variety of certification exams in various domains, including Project Management and Agile.
What’s Great About Whizlabs PMI ACP Online Training?
Detailed Training Videos
The main focus of this PMI-ACP acp online courses is on the exam objectives, so you will find detailed videos on each topic of the exam. This PMI ACP training course covers all seven domains of the PMI-ACP exam, so no topic is left out.
Contact hours are included (PDUs)
One of the requirements for the PMI-ACP certification exam is 21 contact hours, which Whizlabs online training provides. After completing the video course, you can contact their support and request the PDU certification.
A course that is adaptable and interactive
When you purchase the Whizlabs PMI ACP training course, you will receive an interactive learning management system. You can pause the video and resume watching it from the beginning. During the second revision session, you can speed up the video. You can also submit a question directly to the expert and track its status in the My Queries section.
Simplilearn is the largest online training provider, providing training in a variety of domains. For world-class online training, Simplilearn is a well-known name among students and working professionals.
Because Simplilearn’s PMI ACP online training course covers all domains of the PMI-ACP exam, it is included in our list of the best PMI ACP online training providers.
What Are the Advantages of Simplilearn’s PMI ACP Online Training?
Training Focused on Exam Objectives
Simplilearn is known for its high-quality, to-the-point training content, and they have kept PMI-ACP training completely domain-centric. To prepare for the PMI-ACP certification exam, you will find training videos that cover all of the exam objectives.
Contact Hours are included (PDUs)
As a requirement, the PMI-ACP certification requires 21 contact hours (PDUs). As previously stated, Simplilearn’s self-paced training offers 26 contact hours, whereas the online classroom training offers 28 contact hours.
Case Study and Real-Life Examples
Simplilearn’s PMI ACP exam prep course also includes two industrial case studies and 61 real-world examples to help you better understand the concepts and modules.
Grey Campus
Grey Campus is a market leader in project management certification exam education and training. It provides self-paced online courses as well as virtual online classroom training for the PMI-ACP exam. Grey Campus is one of the most well-known PMI ACP online training providers.
What Are the Advantages of Grey Campus’ PMI ACP Online Training?
Videos for Training
Grey Campus’ online training course consists of self-study training videos; however, online instructor-led training is also available. After you pay, you will have access to the training within 2-3 days.
Contact Hours are included (PDUs)
After completing the PMI ACP online training, you will be awarded a certificate indicating that you have earned the required PDUs or contact hours for the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner certification.
A session with an Instructor Online
You will receive 1 live session of online instructor-led training even if you choose online self-study PMI-ACP training. The instructor will walk you through one practice test and explain how to answer the exam questions during this session.
Exam Practice and Flash Cards
You get simulated full-length practice exams and flashcards with Grey Campus’ online instructor-led training and self-study training. It is recommended that you try these practice exams and flashcards after you have completed the training content.
Refund Policy
Grey Campus has a simple and dependable return policy. If candidates are dissatisfied with the training content, they can request a refund. Online instructor-led training sessions can be refunded within 24 hours of the session, while self-study training videos must be refunded within 3 days.
So, this concludes our list of the top PMI ACP online training providers. Because the training content is prepared by industry experts, all of these providers are the best in terms of course content. When compared to others, one can be superior in terms of compatibility, validity, price, and refund policy.
You can begin by enrolling in the Eduhubspot PMI-ACP boot camp, which is a well-known online course provider in the market. They also provide certification and affordable pricing plans so that you can get started right away.