No matter what type of business you’re in, attracting visitors to your website should be a top priority. After all, if you can’t get people to visit your site, how will they find you? To attract more than just loyal customers and boost your visibility with Google and other search engines, you need to include free content on your site. Visitors will come from search engines, social media sites, blogs and other websites that list your competitors as well as their URLs in reverse image search. In this blog post you’ll learn:
What is Free Traffic?
Free traffic is traffic that comes to your website without costing you a penny. Most of the time, free traffic comes from social media sites like Facebook and Google+, but you can also find free traffic in forums and blogs. The goal of free traffic is to get more traffic to your site, but it’s not the same as paid traffic. Paid traffic refers to advertising and sponsored links that are sold by advertisers to specific sites on the Internet. Free traffic comes from the Internet at large, so it’s a bit more different.
Why Is Free Traffic Important?
There are many benefits to getting free traffic, including expanding your market and increasing your revenue. The most important reason, however, is that free traffic is essential to attracting new customers. If you don’t have any new customers, then you have no business. The only way to establish a new business is to get new customers. So, why go through all the effort to attract new customers when you can get them for free?
How to Get Free Traffic
There are a lot of ways of getting free traffic. Some will work better for your business than others depending on your niche, but here are some of the most common methods.
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO is the bread and butter of any content marketing strategy. It’s the process of growing your website’s page rank with Google so that it appears on page 2 or 3. It’s the most important method to get free traffic.
- Social media sites. More and more people are turning to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest as a source of news and information. Those sites let people share content related to your business, so they are great places to find free traffic.
- Guest Blogging and Link Building. Guest Blogging is when you post content on other sites and get a link back to your site. Link building is the process of acquiring links from other websites and becoming a top website in search results.
Getting free traffic and building an audience are critical to your success as an entrepreneur or business owner. Free traffic can be found on social media sites, SEO sites, and blogs, but you need to make sure that you’re not spamming these places if you want to find real people. Instead, find ways to add value to these sites, create content that is helpful, and link back to your site if you want people to visit. And if you keep these tips in mind, you should see how easy it is to get free traffic to your site.