A facial pigmentation treatment will bring about changes in your skin that are both subtle and obvious. Some of these changes are obvious, such as the fading or lightening of existing dark spots or discoloration. Other changes are more subtle, but they’re every bit as important to address if you want to maintain the results of your facial pigmentation treatment over time.
The skin may become more sensitive
Pigment is a natural response in the skin when there is an injury, so it is not uncommon for the skin to appear darker when it heals. The difference in pigment can cause hyperpigmentation or dark spots which can be more noticeable in darker skin tones.
Pigment may lighten naturally over time, but you can also decrease excess pigmentation by using products like chemical peels and laser treatments that can help remove the top layer of skin with dark spots.
Skin becomes more sensitive as it heals following a procedure. For this reason, some doctors recommend taking care of your skin during recovery by using less harsh products than you normally would and avoiding any face masks or scrubs that could irritate your new skin.
There may be some redness and swelling
It is normal to have some redness and swelling of the skin. A few days after the procedure, you may be a little pinker than usual and your skin may feel tight. The swelling should go down within a week or two, but it can take up to six months for all of the redness in your skin to disappear.
Despite any temporary side effects, it is important that you stay out of the sun as much as possible during this time, as UV rays will irritate your skin. You also need to avoid using topical acne medications or other products with acids because they can make any inflammation from the procedure worse.
The treated area may be darker or lighter than the surrounding skin
Facial Pigmentation Treatment can be used on a variety of skin types, but typically it is used on individuals with darker skin tones. The treated area may be darker or lighter than the surrounding skin due to the lightening or darkening of melanin production. When facial pigmentation is treated, there may be some redness in the area of the treatment that will subside after a few days and will not produce any side effects, as opposed to other treatments that require anesthesia.
The new color of your skin after Facial pigmentation treatment in Coimbatore may take up to 3 months for full pigment development and coloration. Color changes depend on how long you’ve been dealing with hyperpigmented spots and how intense the original pigment was.
The results can be long-lasting, but still the touch-ups may be needed!
Treatments can be used for a variety of reasons, including uneven skin tone, acne scars and sun damage. The procedure is often painless, with most people feeling a bit of pressure and some numbness during the time the lasers are being used. This can last anywhere from five minutes to one hour. It is not uncommon for patients to feel a tingling sensation on their skin as it responds to light stimulation. Some find that they need numbing cream or anesthesia; this will depend on the individual and their level of sensitivity. Aftercare instructions are given before you leave so that your recovery can be as smooth as possible!
Make sure to follow the aftercare instructions
The best way to avoid hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation is by following the aftercare instructions. While there are always risks involved with any cosmetic procedure, the risks can be reduced or eliminated by following your doctor’s aftercare instructions. Some of the most important things you should do are listed below:
- Keep your skin moisturized for at least a week following surgery
- Use sunscreen in order to avoid sunburns that may lead to hyperpigmentation. Skin needs additional hydration during this time because it will be more sensitive due to being freshly operated on.
- Apply moisturizer liberally during this period and try not to touch your face too much.
How to take care after facial pigmentation?
The following tips can help you take care of your skin post-treatment.
- After the first few days, avoid wearing makeup as much as possible. If you do wear makeup, make sure that it is oil-free and doesn’t clog pores.
- Use a gentle cleanser when washing your face and make sure to apply a toner after cleansing. The toner will help remove any excess dirt or bacteria that was not removed by the cleanser. You should also use a moisturizer on your skin twice a day (morning and night) to keep it hydrated and prevent dryness from setting in. Avoid moisturizers with SPF unless they are specifically meant for nighttime use because their chemicals may interfere with the healing process.